Friday, March 6, 2009

Seed and Bean Mosaics

I found this idea on a yahoo group that I belong to for home daycare providers who lean towards natural living and childcare. Here's a link to the group.

Natural childcare yahoo group

Anyways, seed and bean mosaics were really fun. I got an assortment of lentils, dried beans, etc...out of my pantry. Since I have a young crowd I put the glue on their paper for them. Older kids would have fun making designs with glue on their paper. Then just place the beans, seeds, etc...Fun.

This activity took all about five minutes with the ages that I currently have as they pretty much just dumped all of their seeds and beans onto their paper right away. But I tried to get them to mush them around on the glue. I have one that's a bit resistent to touching glue. So I had to work with him on it a bit. But he eventually did smear it around a bit. My own little one just wanted to eat all the beans and

I long for the day that I have a digital camera so that I can take pics of stuff as we do it and post it for all to see. Someday!

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